Docume ntation


The ADK Toolkit is an advanced product for Java programmers and developers to build agent-based applications. It comes complete with several documents aimed to assist developers. It is recommended to read the documents in the following order:

Quickstart Guide

The Quickstart Guide provides step by step instructions on how to install and configure the ADK. It should be read first to ensure that the ADK environment is properly installed and ready to run.

ADK Scenarios

The Scenarios document provides an overview of the main features of Tryllian’s mobile agent technology and development platform through the use of functional scenarios which provide a quick picture of the technology in action. Ready-to-run examples are provided, showing code samples which demonstrate important activities of the ADK and take you from simple through moderately complex agents.

It also introduces a Sample Project (also known as “Kickstart”) that provides a step-by-step demonstration to helping developers with building their first agent application. It also provides insight in developing your own agent project. Documentation is included as part of the ADK Scenarios guide.

Developer’s Guide

The Developer’s Guide explains Tryllian ADK’s API and provides background and agent development information, in addition to examples of advanced agent development. This release includes the ARE technical specifications . Deprecated protocols are not included. Several custom Ant tasks distributed with the ADK are described in ant.html.

ARE Specifications

The Specification of the runtime environment — this is a work in progress.


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JavaDoc API documentation for the current cvs version of the ADK.